Barbara Matejčić slobodna je novinarka i urednica fokusirana na društvene teme i ljudska prava. Piše redovito za tiskane i internetske medije u Hrvatskoj i inozemstvu. Surađuje s Dokumentarnim programom Trećeg programa Hrvatskog radija i s međunarodnim istraživačkim, medijskim i ljudsko-pravaškim organizacijama. Nagrađena je za najbolje pisano novinarstvo u 2013. godini nagradom „Marija Jurić Zagorka“ (Hrvatsko novinarsko društvo, 2014.), dobitnica je Nagrade za promicanje mirotvorstva, nenasilja i ljudskih prava „Krunoslav Sukić“ (Centar za mir, 2013.) te priznanja za najbolje praćenje LGBT tematike u Hrvatskoj u razdoblju od 2000. do 2010. (Zagreb Pride, 2011.). Dobitnica je nekoliko europskih stipendija za novinarski rad. Diplomirala je Hrvatski jezik i književnost na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu. Rođena je u Splitu (1975.), živi u Zagrebu.


Based in Zagreb, Croatia, Barbara Matejčić is an award-wining freelance journalist, editor and researcher focused on social affairs and human rights. She writes for Croatian and international print and online media and produces radio features. She collaborates regularly with international NGOs, investigative journalism networks and policy-making institutions. She was awarded for the best coverage of LGBT issues in the last decade in Croatia (2000-2010), she was the winner of the 2013 Krunoslav Sukic award for promotion of peace, non-violence and human rights and in 2014 she won an award as the best print journalist in Croatia (Croatian Journalists’ Association „Marija Jurić Zagorka“ award). She is a director of the documentary movie „I am Nobody“ about asylum seekers in Croatia (2012), screened at Croatian and international film festivals and for educational purposes about asylum and migrations. She was selected for several European fellowships (German Foundation „Remembrance, Responsibility and Future“, German Foundation Heinrich Böll, Austrian ERSTE Foundation and German Robert Bosch Foundation). Her non-fictional book „How are you?“ about Others in contemporary Croatian society was published in December 2015 by the Heinrich Böll Foundation. Barbara holds a degree in Croatian language and literature from the University of Zagreb.